
Puhelin - Kannet ja kotelot - OnePlus 6T - Nylon Bumper Case - Black *DEMO* - 5431100067

OnePlus 6T - Nylon Bumper Case - Black *DEMO*

Sleek all-around protection.

Wrapped around the edge of the device, the shock-resistant bumpers provide impact protection, while the robust outer shell shields the device from direct damage. Supported by a slim and light-weight profile, the OnePlus 6T Bumper Case offers reliable protection without compromising on style.

Fits like a glove.

Through high-pressure and high-temperature molding, each bumper case is carefully formed to wrap seamlessly around the OnePlus 6T. With its smooth feel and comfortable texture, the OnePlus 6T Bumper Case is tailor-made for those seeking protection with a dash of personality.

New in Nylon

Think all phone cases look the same? Our Nylon case combines its finely woven texture with a comfortable grip for a distinct appearance. A focus on long-term use and durability led us to develop a nylon case that guards against dirt and fingerprints, for a stunning appearance that's built to last.

Also available in Karbon and Ebony

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