
Kaunokirjallisuus - Steven Korté - Wonder Woman: Book Of The Film (English) - Kaunokirjallisuus - paperback - 9781911460367

Steven Korté - Wonder Woman: Book Of The Film (English) - Kaunokirjallisuus - paperback

Diana Prince works as a curator of ancient art for the Louvre Museum in Paris, France. But that's not who she truly is. Diana is an Amazon princess from the island of Themyscira. She is also Wonder Woman. From a secret, hidden island to the front lines of battle, Diana is ready for the role of a lifetime - to become the hero the world needs most.

Wonder Woman: The Junior Novel retells the exciting story of Diana's journey to become one of the world's greatest heroes and features eight pages of full-colour images from the film.

Tuotenumero: 3104758
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