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Raspberry Pi -kameramoduuli V2 PiNoir

Voit liittää Raspberry Pi HD Pi NoIR -kamerakortin mihin tahansa Raspberry Pi- tai tietokonemoduuliin, jotta voit ottaa HD-videota ja still-kuvia. Pi NoIR (ei infrapunaa) on sama kuin tavallinen kameramoduuli, mutta ilman IR-suodatinta. Siksi se sopii erinomaisesti valokuvaamiseen ja videokuvaukseen pimeässä. Moduuli käyttää Sony IMX219PQ -kuvakennoa, joka tarjoaa nopean videokuvankäsittelyn ja korkean herkkyyden.

Tuotenumero: 2621959
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Raspberry Pi HD Pi NoIR Camera Board V2

The Raspberry Pi HD Pi NoIR camera board can be connected to any Raspberry Pi or computer module, allowing you to take HD video and still images. The Pi NoIR (no infrared) is the same as the standard camera module, but without an IR filter. Therefore, it is great for photography and video in low light conditions.
The module uses Sony's IMX219PQ image sensor, which provides high-speed video processing and high sensitivity.
The Pi NoIR module provides reduced image pollution such as fixed pattern noise and smearing. It also has automatic control functions such as exposure, white balance, and luminance detection.

Features and benefits:
- No IR filter
- High-quality images
- High data capacity
- 8-megapixel fixed focus lens (includes tools for small focus adjustments)
- Supports 1080p, 720p60, and VGA90
- Sony IMX219PQ CMOS image sensor
- 15-pin flat cable

< p class = "range paragraph "> Connecting the PI NOIR to PI: < br/> A 15 cm flat cable attached to the module fits directly into the serial camera interface port (CSI) on the PI. Once connected you can access the camera via MMAL (Multi-Media Abstraction Layer) or V4L (Video for Linux) APIs. Alternatively there are libraries like Picamera Python among many others that you can find online. < p class = "range paragraph" > Applications: < br/> The Raspberry Pi's NOIR camera board is suitable for HD videos and still images at night. When used with IR LEDs, you are able to see in the dark, allowing you to monitor plant health or even nocturnal animals.


IR LEDs are required for illumination when using the Pi NoIR camera board in low light conditions.

RPI PiNoir Camera V2
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