Backbeat - Sony PlayStation 5 - Toiminta
32,90 €
26,22 € Ilman arvonlisäveroa
Edullisin toimitus (yksityisasiakkaat) 6,99 €
Tukkurilla, 4-7 arkipäivää toimitukseen
Kannen teksti voi olla muulla kielellä kuin suomeksi. Tämä ei vaikuta itse pelin kieleen.
Kannen teksti voi olla muulla kielellä kuin suomeksi. Tämä ei vaikuta itse pelin kieleen.
A mashup of puzzle and turn-based strategy games. Guide your band through isometric maps. Experience a homage to 1990s ensemble dramedies.
Stephanie "Watts" Watson, an aspiring bassist, bounced from audition to audition never finding music that really resonated with her, that is, until she discovered the magic of funk. Caught up in the groove, she recruits a group of hometown amateurs to take on art school darlings La Tormenta at the Battle of the Bands.
Excellence in Sound Design Nominee: BitSummit X-Roads
Selected Indie Exhibit: Tokyo Game Show
• Multilinear time-based environment puzzles
• Character-driven story set in 1990s suburban America
• Shared squad resources and rewindable turns to optimize your solutions
• Sequenced combo moves and 40 levels of strategic madness
Stephanie "Watts" Watson, an aspiring bassist, bounced from audition to audition never finding music that really resonated with her, that is, until she discovered the magic of funk. Caught up in the groove, she recruits a group of hometown amateurs to take on art school darlings La Tormenta at the Battle of the Bands.
Excellence in Sound Design Nominee: BitSummit X-Roads
Selected Indie Exhibit: Tokyo Game Show
• Multilinear time-based environment puzzles
• Character-driven story set in 1990s suburban America
• Shared squad resources and rewindable turns to optimize your solutions
• Sequenced combo moves and 40 levels of strategic madness
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