Untitled Goose Game - Sony PlayStation 4 - Simulaattori
Kannen teksti voi olla muulla kielellä kuin suomeksi. Tämä ei vaikuta itse pelin kieleen.
It's a lovely morning in the village and you are a horrible goose.
Untitled Goose Game is a slapstick-stealth-sandbox, where you are a goose let loose on an unsuspecting village. Make your way around town, from peoples' back gardens to the high street shops to the village green, setting up pranks, stealing hats, honking a lot, and generally ruining everyone’s day.
A horrible goose (that's you)
A town full of people just trying to get on with their day (you hate them)
A dedicated honk button (!!!)
Exclusive physical goodies: a map of the town, goose sign sticker, and a very special mail order-style ‘Catalog of Junk,’ an illustrated booklet, perfectly informative for any goose.
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