Omajin Smart Plug 1-pack
Just admit it. You have tried clapping your hands to turn on the light in the living room. But you know what? With our Smart Plug, we take the step further. Monitor your devices, light and power consumption, and bring life to the home, even if you're not at home. You don't even need a wand, just a smartphone!
Proshop tarjoaa pidennetyn palautusoikeuden yksityisasiakkaille ja tilauksille, jotka on ostettu 1. marraskuuta – 23. joulukuuta 2024 välisenä aikana. Katso ehdot täältä.
Being able to monitor and adjust power consumption is important in order to save energy. And it's good for both the planet and your wallet. Thanks to our Smart Plug, you can keep an eye on your power consumption in real time and check up on your wattage statistics in the Omajin app. Reduce your electricity bill and your environmental footprint with a single click.
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