Tunturi Power Band Light
You can make your training more challenging with the Tunturi Power Band. Attach the resistance band to a barbell while you do squats, for example. This requires you to make more effort. It is also possible to wrap the power band around your legs or arms for various strength exercises. When the band stretches, more resistance is created, making the exercises more intense. Tip: search online for exercises with the resistance band. There are plenty of options for both beginners and advanced!
The benefits of Tunturi Power Band - Resistance band - Fitness Elastic
✔ Perfect for building leg, hip and arm muscles and improving flexibility
✔ Flexible, strong and durable
✔ Increase the intensity of a workout by making exercises heavier
✔ Ideal for the home or the gym
Overview Specifications
• Length of fitness elastic: 104 cm.
• Width: 2.2 cm.
• Resistance: 5 - 20 kg
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